52.1823° N, 1.6130° E
Thorpeness is a fascinating place. It has the wonderful wild shingle beach where in Winter the wind takes your feet from under you but then, in contrast, the gentle charm of the Meare and the timbered cottages that surround it look straight out of a model village. This is in a way no surprise for many of the buildings are part of a major project developed during the early 1900's.
Many of the mock Tudor and Jacobean buildings are all part of a grand scheme to design a fantasy holiday village initiated by Glencairn Stuart Ogilvie. He was the son of civil engineer and railway developer Alexander Ogilvie who bought and renamed Sizewell Hall as a holiday home and eventually extended the estate to Dunwich, Aldeburgh, Leiston and Aldringham.. I have tried in my design to include as many of the interesting buildings that appear around every corner as possible but inevitably there will be more to discover.
More to come tomorrow!